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Brand Spanking New Covers

I am so excited! My first two published books have gotten a fresh look with new covers. I love them so much. Of course, I loved the old covers too.

My friend asked me why I changed them. You see, I made the first two covers. While I'm not a cover designer and have limited photo shop experience, I was still pretty happy with them. They, especially my first one, were gorgeous.

However, while creating the cover for my novella, my husband and I realized it was taking too much time away from what I really needed to concentrate on-writing. So, we decided it was time to make the leap to professionals.

We had already been searching for one and ended up torn between two. We looked at each other and realized I had two books that went together, but also sort of didn't. There was book one, which is part of the main trilogy, and then the accompanying novella for between the main trilogy books. I wanted them to all go together, but the novellas didn't need to be matchy-matchy with the novels.

So, we commissioned both cover artists-one to do the trilogy and the other to do the novellas. Now, for each set to have the same look and feel, I think they should all be done by the same artist. And the first book of each set was already done by another "artist"-me. Therefore, my covers had to go so the books would match the others in its set.

This also gives us more opportunity to work with both artists. We have more time to see how they communicate, how closely their products are to my visions, and which one fits me and my books best. This information will help us decide who to work with on future projects. If we love them both the same, I suppose I could alternate between them by giving them each a series to cover.

Yes, there more series to come.



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