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The Magician

First off, super exciting news! My new book, CONCEALED BY MAGIC, is now out in both paperback and ebook formats.

I have to give mad props to my husband, the magician. Without his magic, my book probably would not be out in any form yet. So, a huge shout out and thank you to him.

You see, I'm fairly technologically impaired. Oh, I can tweet and Instagram, and even do the occasional extra, like set up this blog on my own. Beyond that, especially when you get into the intricacies of programs or any coding, goes right over my head.

My last blog discussed my challenges with the dreaded table of contents. I'm sure you can guess by now who found the solution for that. Hint: it wasn't me. It only took him around half an hour after I'd given up and gone to bed table of contentsless for the second night in a row. I was able to utilize his findings in no time flat the next morning, and that is how my ebook came to be finished. Finally.

Now, it only took some simple formatting to convert my ebook into a printable manuscript,which was within my capabilities. However, it's thanks to my daughter that my spine has my name on it. And my husband was the one to remind me to write a blurb on the back cover. My paperback would be severely lacking without their help, so it's a good thing they're around to throw me a bone every once in a while. Okay, it's actually more like they often get me back on track.

However, my husband's real magic came into play, once again, when it came time to format my paperback cover in dimensions suitable for printing. I'd spent all of yesterday trying to convert the cover into the correct sized PDF. Our PDF converter only has pre-selected sizes, none of which were the ones I needed. Of course, the magician rescued me by pulling a solution out of thin air. Or so it seemed to me. At least it took him a while to work his magic this time, so I looked a little less incompetent. Still, it would have probably taken days more of struggling before I would have gotten something to work, if I'd been able to at all.

So, it's thanks to the magician's magic that my book is finally out. And in multiple formats no less. Check out it out on Amazon, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited.





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